If you’ve challenged an opponent to a duel, you play against each other in 6 rounds of 3 questions. The sequence of a game in detail:
Challenge: by player A.
Round 1: Player B chooses topic 1 and answers three questions. The response time per question is limited to 14s.
Round 2: Player A now answers questions about topic 1. Then he chooses topic 2 and answers three questions.
Round 3: Player B now answers questions about Topic 2. Then he chooses topic 3 and answers three questions.
Round 4: Player A now answers the questions about topic 3. Then he chooses topic 4 and answers three questions.
Round 5: Player B now answers questions about topic 4. Then he chooses topic 5 and answers three questions.
Round 6: Player A now answers the questions about topic 5. Then he chooses topic 6 and answers three questions.
Conclusion: Player B now answers questions about topic 6. The duel is finished.
There’s a time limit of 24h between rounds. If the game is not continued within this time limit, it will be discarded. All points achieved so far are lost and no one has won. But don’t worry, IQ-DUELL® reminds a few times before it comes so far;-).